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C++ 标准库参考

C++ 标准库 - 简介 C++ 标准库 - <fstream> C++ 标准库 - <iomanip> C++ 标准库 - <ios> C++ 标准库 - <iosfwd> C++ 标准库 - <iostream> C++ 标准库 - <istream> C++ 标准库 - <ostream> C++ 标准库 - <sstream> C++ 标准库 - <streambuf> C++ 标准库 - <atomic> C++ 标准库 - <complex> C++ 标准库 - <exception> C++ 标准库 - <functional> C++ 标准库 - <limits> C++ 标准库 - <locale> C++ 标准库 - <memory> C++ 标准库 - <new> C++ 标准库 - <numeric> C++ 标准库 - <regex> C++ 标准库 - <stdexcept> C++ 标准库 - <string> C++ 标准库 - <thread> C++ 标准库 - <tuple> C++ 标准库 - <typeinfo> C++ 标准库 - <utility> C++ 标准库 - <valarray>

C++ 模板库参考

C++ STL 库 - <array> C++ STL 库 - <bitset> C++ STL 库 - <deque> C++ STL 库 - <forward_list> C++ STL 库 - <list> C++ STL 库 - <map> C++ STL 库 - <queue> C++ STL 库 - <set> C++ STL 库 - <stack> C++ STL 库 - <unordered_map> C++ STL 库 - <unordered_set> C++ STL 库 - <vector> C++ STL 库 - <algorithm> C++ STL 库 - <iterator>

C++ 实例

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C++ New 库 - operator delete




以下是 operator new[] 的声明。

void operator delete (void* ptr) throw();	(ordinary delete)
void operator delete (void* ptr, const std::nothrow_t& nothrow_constant) throw();	    (nothrow delete)
void operator delete (void* ptr, void* voidptr2) throw();             (placement delete)


void operator delete (void* ptr) noexcept;   (ordinary delete)
void operator delete (void* ptr, const std::nothrow_t& nothrow_constant) noexcept;	    (nothrow delete)
void operator delete (void* ptr, void* voidptr2) noexcept;      (placement delete)


void operator delete (void* ptr) noexcept;                    (ordinary delete)
void operator delete (void* ptr, const std::nothrow_t& nothrow_constant) noexcept;             (nothrow delete)
void operator delete (void* ptr, void* voidptr2) noexcept;                (placement delete)
void operator delete (void* ptr, std::size_t size) noexcept;	            (ordinary delete with size)
void operator delete (void* ptr, std::size_t size,
                      const std::nothrow_t& nothrow_constant) noexcept;            (ordinary delete with size)


  • size − 它包含所请求内存块的大小(以字节为单位)。

  • nothrow_value − 它包含常量 nothrow。

  • ptr − 它是一个指向适当大小的已分配内存块的指针。

  • voidptr2 − 它是一个 void 空指针。




No-throw guarantee − 此函数从不抛出异常。




在下面的例子中解释了 new 操作符。

#include <iostream>

struct MyClass {
   MyClass() {std::cout <<"It is a MyClass() constructed\n";}
   ~MyClass() {std::cout <<"It is a MyClass() destroyed\n";}

int main () {
   MyClass * pt = new (std::nothrow) MyClass;
   delete pt;

   return 0;

让我们编译并运行上面的程序,这将产生以下结果 −

It is a MyClass() constructed
It is a MyClass() destroyed

❮ C++ 标准库 - <new>